Hi Everyone
This is a smokey purple look that I did yesterday. CC and comments are always appreciated.
I used French quarter stick with UD gunmetal on top and for the purple I used sugar pill poison plum with UD Psychedelic Sister.
LMK what u think!
i like alot. purple is my fav color and snokey is my fav look lol very pretty & i love the blush your wearing (if your wearing any lol) it looks really natural and glowy
Thanks ladies!! and yes kaykay I am wearing blush..It is mac gingerly with soft and gentle MSF..idw I didn't put a list of my products like I usually do..but thanks so much! :)
BOS- Urban Decay (UD) Book of Shadows BTLF-Black Track Fluid Line CC- Constructive Criticism CCO-Cosmetic Company Outlet CNC-Creative Nail Design CS-Coastal Scents DC-Discontinued Dupe- Duplicate E/S-Eye Shadow
F21- Forever 21 HG- Holy Grail HTH-Hope this helps IMO-In my opinion ISO-In search of L/G-Lip Gloss L/S-Lip Stick LE-Limited Edition LMK-Let me kow LOTD- Look of the Day MAC-Makeup Artist Cosmetics MES-Mineralized Eye Shadow MSF-Mineralized Skin Finish MUAC-Makeupartistchoice.com MUA-Makeupalley.com MUFE-Make-up Forever MUG-Makeupgeek.com NOTD- Nail of the Day PLMK-Please let me know PP-Paint Pot PRO-from the MAC PRO store RIS-Recieved in a swap TFSI-Too Face Shadow Insurance UDPP-Urban Decay Primer Potion UD-Urban Decay
i like alot. purple is my fav color and snokey is my fav look lol very pretty & i love the blush your wearing (if your wearing any lol) it looks really natural and glowy
i love purple on brown eyes! you look amazing!!!!
I like it! I may have to try this.
so pretty. i used to wear purple all the time but stopped for some reason. im going to attempt an eye like this soon.
Thanks ladies!! and yes kaykay I am wearing blush..It is mac gingerly with soft and gentle MSF..idw I didn't put a list of my products like I usually do..but thanks so much! :)
Hey there, I tagged you/gave you an award on my blog :) x
Very nice, you suit purple xox
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