ALSO..BELIEVE IT OR NOT, SOMETHING ACTUALLY SOLD OUT!! Can you guess what it was? I really wanted it too!! I'll let you know at the end of the post
This is when I first got have to wait in line till your appointment time
Once they let you in, they give you this card to fill out, to them know what you want from collection. I thought this was pretty cool.
Inside they had the collection set up on two ends of the store. These pictures were from one end
AND these pictures were taken from the other end
ALL the MAC workers were wearing the makeup from the collection and it looked so beautiful on them and they gave me so many new ideas. Also all the workers were so nice and super helpful.
After you gave them your card and paid for everything, they had a dress up center outside the store, where you can dress up as Cruella and the Evil Queen. I thought it would be fun, so here are my pics..LOL :)
haha..I look to happy to be the Evil Queen!!
I just wanted to give you all my honest opinion of the collection and what I thought of it after actually looking at everything and swatching it.
The overall collection is A LOT nicer than I thought. Some things that I actually wanted, I ended up not getting because of the swatches and some things I never thought of getting, I ended up getting once I saw it in person.
I really wanted Vile Violet ES from the Evil Queen collection and My Dark Magic MES from the Maleficent collection, but honestly, the pigmentation and swatch was nothing to brag about and I was really disappointed in them, because just by looking at them in the pan, they are really gorgeous. I was just disappointed in general with the eye shadows, the all looked dupable to some extent and didn't grab me at all. OH and the magical cool liquid powder is WHACK! Sorry to say it, but it not worth the money for some slight shimmer, that you can get from any other highlighter or bronzer.
The lipsticks and lip glosses were great in the collection. The nail polishes ROCKED! They were gorgeous and I loved the two blushes.
The beauty powders were okay... they were nice but for the price, I would defiantly choose the blushes over the beauty powders. OH and FYI..I know A LOT of people don't really know what a beauty powder is, so I will tell you. Depending on the color and shimmer factor, it can be used as a blush, highlighter or all over shimmer. HONESTLY it is a pointless concept to me and is a way for MAC to get more $$$ from you, because a blush is $18.50 and a beauty powder it $28. I always treat them as blushes, so I would rather save the cash and get the blush, UNLESS there is a color I HAVE to have.
Maleficent Collection
She who Dares MES- This MES duo is beyond gorgeous! I was not planning on getting this, but once I swatched it, I HAD to have it!! The color is intense and looks amazing on top of the French Quarter Greasepaint Stick
Bad Fairy Nail polish-This is a beautiful orange-red-gold duo-tri chrome (however you want to describe it lol) and the only color that is not dupeable by the new Oraly nail polishes
French Quarter Greasepaint Stick-Gorgeous black base with silver sparkles
Heartless LS-Amplified true red color. I think this color would flatter everyone and because it is amplified it applies and covers like a dream
Wicked Way LG-Red lg compliments Heartless and is pigmented enough to wear alone
Evil Queen
Toxic Tale LS-Satin Orangey red color, lighter than Vegas volt and the color will change depending on the pigmentation of you lips, so try it on before you buy it. A lot of the MUA were wearing this and it looked different on all of them
Strange potion LG-Compliment Toxic Tale, looks very similar to pret-a-paper lg. I will do a comparison in my next post when I do my swatches
Bite of an Apple Blush-This is soo pretty and gives such a beautiful glow. It has no shimmer and comes off pretty matte
Bad Fairy
She Who Dares MES, Bite of an Apple Blush, French Quarter GPS
Toxic Tale
PHEW!! That was a lot! I really hope this was helpful..OH and did you guess what was sold out??
It was Push the Edge pigment!! yeah..I was shocked! SOLD OUT within in a HOUR and I REALLY wanted it, once the MUA swatched it for me. It is so beautiful.
I think once the collection releases I am going to pick that up and Darkly My Dear blush..I wanted it and I have no idea why I didn't pick it up!!
So tomorrow I will post a look inspired by the looks I saw on the MUA at MAC and I hope to have swatches and dupes up for you by Monday.
So what do you plan on getting?? LMK
AND if you have any questions..Please..ASK AWAY!!
OH and I was just reminded by another blog that Hautlook is having a HUGE NYX SALE!!! There are a lot of their palette sets and lipgloss sets up there at a discounted price. I'm broke from this haul, but hopefully I can catch the sale another time, but I wanted to pass it down to all of you.
YOU can sign up to preview and buy from the sale HERE
Such a great post, thanks for posting.:D
Loving all your pictures and you sure did look like a happy evil queen!:D
I might get some lipsticks.:D
***** Marie *****
you got a lot too!! i was waiting for your post to see how your store did it. we had two displays also but our store is sooo small it was almost impossible to get an MUA for help! i think you make an excellent evil queen and cruella de vil :) lol but the prettier and nicer version. i also did the same thing like you did when it came to choosing what i wanted. some things i ended up not getting and somethings i didnt plan on getting i did. looks like you had fun, luckily the dress up for u was outside of the sotre, our was inside which made it even more crowded lol thnx for posting :) cant wait to see your look
Yay! I was so looking forward to your post on this. I'm really undecided as to what I'm getting since Rob and I are applying for the green card and whatnot, and are sort of tight on money. I can't justify dropping a ton on it. I really, really want Violetta (you know me and purple lipsticks, and there's no pro store near me) and possibly Bite of an Apple. I'm considering picking up the MES since they're so popular and you know what the Style Black ones did a few months later (I am still kicking myself for not buying and reselling them).
We'll see next week I guess. I'll probs put Bite/Violetta on hold and maybe the MES, and then browse the collection at the store when I get off work.
This was incredibly useful! i am impressed by your great purchases! I need to get something from this gorgeous collection, everything looks so pretty...
I thought of you on Tuesday when I went to the release party at my MAC. I didn't even realize that I had been invited until I checked my e-mails. HA! Anyway, sounds like you had a good time.
Overall, I wasn't that impressed with the eyeshadows either. They were all definitely dupable in my opinion.
I only got 2 things - Toxic Tale Lipstick and Bite of an Apple Blush. Those are so pretty!!
Great haul!!
awesome awesome awesome pics!!! Your dress up pics are classic!!!!! Please do a look soon!!!! =]i'm sooooo sooo so jealous!
Great haul! I can't wait for it to be sold in my little country.. Boo!
Thanks ladies! I am so glad this was helpful!!
@Marie- yes! get the lippies..I thought they were really some of most impressive things in this collection :)
@kaykay-thanks hun!! i was looking forward to your post too!! wow!! i can not believe they had ur dress inside the store..that must have maddness!!
@Cydonian-Yes I know u and ur purples..def get violetta and bite of an apple is awesome!! it is in my lotd for tomoorw..I sooo luv easily becoming my fav blush this month..I know it tough because you have to have and that is important too..this is my last haul for the year myself :(
@Catanya-I am sooo happy it was least get on thing..don't go crazy like :)
@Jakee-I am so glad we agree with eyeshadows, I thought I was going crazy looking at them and thinking they were nothing got two of the best things from this collection IMO
@ThehoneyB-thanks doll!! the look will be up tomorrow
@snooze-thanks!! it will be there soon I hope!!
I had signed up showed up like an hour early to visit when i went to the forecast collection one i think in february, there was a tiny line. this time there was a line of probably about 100 people, i wasn't gonna wait, and went to watch a movie instead lol. i would've loved to have dressed up ! haha. i'm glad you had fun. i really would like to look at the MES's, lipsticks, and blushes. thanks for the suggestions and pictures :)
Great haul and review! Hopefully I can buy some things next month if everything is not sold out by then. I'm ready to end my makeup hiatus.
Thanks for putting me in your blog roll. I'm getting emotional right now, lol. I really appreciate it. A big cyber hug to you :)
@Iris-I know it was insane.I got there early so I really didn't have to wait..I hope ur movie was good!! Glam-no problem hun..big cyber hugs back to you!! you have a great blog and I luv to add blogs to my blog roll
it was a great one :) watched the city ?
btw, what was your opinion on the dark berry/purple l/s shades ? they look nice on photos :)
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