HAHA..YES..those are ALL my nursing school books!! School starts Aug 31 and I already started to read ahead! Nursing school is no joke! This is my last year and I can not believe I made it this far. This semester is broken down into two sections. For the first 7 weeks we will study oncology, burns, fluid and electrolytes, the liver and ER care. Then the next 7 weeks we will study psychology
To give you glimpse into my first week, I have to read all this:
Abnormal Cell Proliferation
(Adult Med Nursing Book)Smeltzer: Chapters 9, 16, 17, 48
pp. 250, 262, 608-21, 670-75, 1067-84, 1148-62, 1166, 1220-28, 1193-1201, 1265-75, 1333-36, 1369-72, 1563-65, 1596-1607, 1752-69, 1774, 1977-87, 2301-11, 2417-22
(Child Nursing Book)Pillitteri: Chapter 53
(Pharmacology Book) Lilley: Chapter 46, 47, 48, 51, 53
Yeah..that's A LOT of ISH....LOL
Anywho..I have had a few people from MUG and MUA ask me about nursing school.
So I was wondering if any of my readers had any questions as well. LMK and I can do another post answering your questions. I also graduated with a BS in Finance from a 4-year university, so if any of you have any questions about that, feel free to leave me a comment and let me know!!
I am sure a lot of people are starting school soon too, so ASK AWAY!! It can be about anything!
Hi. First you complete a Bachelors in Finance and soon you'll complete Nursing School, those are BIG accomplishements, CONGRATS!!
I have a few questions:
Why nursing? Why not stay in Finance?
How long has it taken you to complete Nursing School?
I'm in the Accounting field and I do like it. I've thought about going to Nursing school but feel too old to do it. I'm not sure if I still have the brain cells necessary for this. How hard is it?
Thanks and good luck!
the photo of your books make my stomach feel weird :S
i hated studying and i did accounting and there were so many books to buy especially those you can't buy second hand cos a new edition comes out every year :(
but congrats to you for doing so much studying :p and love your blog so keep up the great stuff :D
Thanks so much ladies!
@Mary007- Those are great questions! I get asked those all the time and will be so happy to answer them here on my blog for you all. I will post the answers sometime next week
@Mandy-LOL..sorry they make ur stomach feel weird :( Sometimes they make mine feel weird too. To save some money, I buy the edition under for some classes, it has the EXACT info as the new edition, except the new edition might have a few more pics or questions at the end, I can go into more detail when I post my q and a post
If anyone else has any more questions, please feel free to ask them..I will do my q and a post sometime next week..so u still have time
Nursing is a great profession and a very lucrative one. My cousin is a nurse and does very well. I used to be in finance too and hated it. I made a hell of a lot more money than I do now, but I hated what I did.
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