The MAC Venomous Villains Collection features a collection inspired by Disney villains. There are four collections based on CRUELLA DE VIL, THE EVIL QUEEN, MALEFICENT, and DR. FACILIER.
The US launch date is September 2010 and the International launch date in October 2010.
There has been a lot of buzz around the MAC Venomous Villains Collection because everyone loves Disney villains. Based on the inspiration I just knew that this collection AND it's packaging would be AMAZING! Sadly, once I saw the pictures on Temptalia I didn't think it was anything to brag about. I personally think it looks tacky and silly.It looks like they slapped a sticker on it! I don't want to touch up my make-up in the bathroom with a cartoon Disney character on the package, I think it just cheapens the whole collection. They should have done something more mature with it. I thought MAC would do something really inspirational and artistic with the packaging, but maybe Disney is limiting MAC...I don't know..but what are your thoughts on it? Will the packaging push you away from buying the collection?
I would have loved the packaging to be more like the promo pictures..really sketchy and artist.
I know some people do like the packaging and I think that is great! Some people are just Disney fans through and through!
If certain colors catch my eye, I may buy from this collection, but these are defiantly depots for me..soo yay..more B2M cases!
Pictures are taken from Temptalia and The Makeup and Beauty Blog Please visit her site here and here to learn more about the collection, including a list of all the makeup, broken down by each villain.
I agree with you. The packaging sucks, and really.. they're bringing out TOO much TOO close together and I can't keep up. I'm moving in Sept. so I don't really have the money to be spending on anything lol so I'll miss these and most of the other releases as well, and you know what? I'm okay with that.
The only thing I really wanted was the purple mineralized shadow anyway.
haha thanks! Glad you agree and yeah all these collections are ALOT to keep up with. I bought the most from the In Groove Collection. I am excited about the Feline Collection, but I think I will just buy 1-2 things from it..because I can not afford to get everything I am eyeing, that why I love these blogs, they help you pick what u really want. Thanks for commenting Jessie!!
I think the packaging is a little on the cheesy side, but I will still take a look at the colors to see if there is anything worth buying.
Honesly, I have been skipping out on a lot of MAC collections. I don't know...I haven't really seen anything different in the last year or so. I feel like with most of the recent collections, I already have something that serves as a dupe.
My bank account is very happy! LOL
Jackee I have heard a lot of people say that about the current and upcoming MAC collections..I am still a newbie so I don't have a lot of dupes must have a great collection!! :)
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